Rules & Guidelines


General Rules

  • Parents should bring their ward only after 9.10 a.m and should not leave their ward in school campus earlier than 9.10a.m.,
  • Parents should promptly pick-up their ward from the school at the end of school timing. School Management or staff will not take the responsibility of the children before or after school hours.

Dress Code Rules

  • Students should come to school in full uniform, neatly starched and ironed. Each student should try to have minimum of three sets of uniform so as to ensure cleanliness of uniform
  • Shirts to be tucked in and buttoned. Every shirt must bear the badge of the school. For more details for dress code you can check the here
  • Hair: For girls: Hairstyle should be neat and no fancy cuts are permitted. Hair should be tied neatly using clips / hair bands (plain white). Hair touching shoulders should be plaited, folded and tied with ribbon (plain white ) For boys: Short hair not touching the collar or covering the ear. Fancy cuts are not permitted
  • Fingernails should be neatly and regularly trimmed. No nail polish or nail varnish to be used
  • Socks should be long. Ankle length socks are not allowed. Socks should not be loose and floppy.
  • Ornaments: Gold ornaments, long, fancy dangling ear-rings are not permitted


  • Avoid leave taking until absolutely necessary
  • Prior permission from the respective class teachers to be taken for planned holiday by submitting a formal application( format given in diary)
  • Those who avail leave without prior permission, should produce leave letter (format given in diary) on the day of attending school.
  • If leave is taken for more than 3 days, a medical certificate has to be produced along with leave letter. Only on producing proper leave letter the child will be allowed to attend class
  • Attendance is compulsory for all slip tests and other examinations
  • Students with less than 85% attendance will not be promoted to the next class
  • Students absent for examinations without valid reasons and prior permission will be considered as failed.


  • Pupils to maintain silence and decorum within the class rooms and in the campus. One tends to lose the habit of listening when one keeps talking all the time.
  • All remains of food items should be dropped in the waste bins by the pupils themselves.
  • Furniture to be handled with care. Pupils must not scribble anything on the walls, furniture or any part of the school premises. Any damage done to the school property intentional or unintentional shall be made good by the offender.


  • Parents are specially requested to see the Calendar daily for any remark or communication from the class teacher and to act on them.
  • Parents are requested to co-operate with the teachers in enforcing punctuality, regularity and discipline.
  • Parents to check on their wards-dress and behavior
  • Parents shall meet the teachers only after school hours.
  • Parents are requested not to permit the children to carry any money or any valuables with them other than for specific purposes.
  • No pupil suffering from a contagious disease should be sent to the school until recovery, which should be supported by the Medical Certificate.
  • Parents are requested to involve themselves and take interest in the child’s activities and progress in school.
  • A record of the address and telephone number of the parents / guardians is maintained at the school office. Any change of address or telephone number should be communicated without fail.
  • Parents are requested to attend PTA meetings without fail on the dates specified in the school calendar to review their ward’s performance.

School Holidays:

  • As per the calendar provided to children
  • All public holidays, and holidays declared by Government